Whether it was waiting for a snow plow to liberate you from
your neighborhood or feeling a pang of sympathy or guilt while driving past a
homeless person battling the bitter cold, most of us have thought “there has to
be a better way.” Jesus’s words, as recorded in the Gospel of John, allude to
this “better way” for which most of us intrinsically yearn.
“If you love me, you will keep my
commandments. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate,
to be with you forever. This is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot
receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, because he
abides with you, and he will be in you.”
(John 14:15-17)
From these words we can deduct two points. The first is that
Jesus considered himself an Advocate (one who helps and/or comforts), hence his
reference to the coming Holy Spirit as another Advocate. Secondly, we
are all called to keep Jesus’s commandments in part by emulating his
identifying with and acting on behalf of the marginalized, dispossessed, and
oppressed among us. However, the cross reminds us that of the very real cost
often required of those seeking to be like Jesus. Thankfully, Easter morning
combined with the continued existence of Christ’s Church, vindicates Jesus’
worldview and gives us the faith to follow the way of the cross.
So what does Jesus’ call to advocacy look like in practical
terms? It can be as simple as assisting
a neighbor with confusing paperwork, championing policies that help our Hypothermia
guests obtain permanent housing, reforming the debt trap of Payday Lending, or
restructuring society so student backpack feeding programs are no longer
needed. Regardless of where you choose to start, remember that you are not
alone. Organizations like the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, Bread for the World, and the Evangelical Immigration Table have a wealth of resources to help inform and empower your work, regardless of where you passion lies.
Throughout human history God has sent advocates to help implement God's redemptive plan; the Prophets of old, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and now, you.
Throughout human history God has sent advocates to help implement God's redemptive plan; the Prophets of old, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and now, you.