I was
almost unable to write this article. Several weeks ago I found myself in a
terrifying encounter with a law enforcement officer in Mississippi. The day
before the incident I had conducted funeral services for my father-in-law who
was a retired Mississippi law enforcement officer. While the family slept the
following morning I gathered framed photographs of the recently deceased family
patriarch to have them scanned by a local photography shop. As I arrived at the
nearby strip mall where the shop was located I was greeted by a rain shower.
Wanting to keep the photographs dry, I parked in front of the shop and asked a
store employee to help me unload the photos. After we finished and I was in my
car getting ready to pull off a police officer stopped next to me and informed
me I couldn’t park there. After I told him I was leaving, the police officer
began to lecture me about my parking. After quietly listening to his lecture I eventually
offered to leave but only received more lecturing. I eventually asked the
officer if I was being detained or free to leave, to which I got no initial
response. Assumedly frustrated with my questions the officer got out of his
car, slammed the door and began yelling at me. I began recording our encounter,
asked for his name and badge number and eventually his supervisor. This seemed
to enrage him. At this point I rolled up my windows, locked my doors and called
911 requesting assistance. While on the phone with the 911 operator the officer
continued yelling at me while repeatedly banging on my car. Eventually the
shift supervisor arrived, saw I was recording and helped the officer calm down.
Thankfully I left the encounter with my life and only a $41 parking citation.
After the fear subsided I became angry and became determined that the officer be
held accountable for his behavior. I began reviewing my video recording,
researching lawyers, and developing a media strategy to hold this officer and
the police department accountable. Un/fortunately in the midst of my
brainstorming I began to hear the pesky words of my Middle Eastern Mentor that
are recorded in the 18th chapter of Matthew, encouraging his
followers to first go to the offending person prior to lodging complaints in a
wider forum. So I reluctantly stopped working on my complaint and wrote a
personal letter to the officer expressing my willingness to enter a personal or
mediated dialogue instead of proceeding with my complaint. I am still waiting for a reply from the officer
but I believe the choice to initially seek dialogue and understanding instead
of filing an anger-filled complaint can be instructive for the ways we seek
justice in our fractured and fallen world.
words of my before mentioned mentor should be the moral foundation for the
Church’s work of being the conscience and moral guide for movements and
communities seeking justice through agitation, legislation, and/or
deliberation. Unfortunately the church’s morality has too often focused on the
politics of respectability that says if you are a member of certain
communities, if you have a criminal record, if you don’t dress right, talk
right, act right….you deserve what you get. I submit that the most valuable
gifts faith communities can give to justice movements are spaces and resources for
reconciliation instead of winning. This small but significant shift towards a
reconciled community has profound consequences.
When the
Biblical writers mentioned a world where lions and lambs peacefully coexist, I
don’t think they believed that God would divinely turn lions in to vegetarians.
Rather I believe the lion and lamb symbology represents a world where formerly
oppressed and marginalized people live in true community with those responsible
for their former oppression and marginalization. I believe the Church and all
communities of faith are vital to ensuring our movement towards justice is
aimed towards community, where scales are rebalanced, rather than producing a
world filled with winners and losers. I am experienced enough to know that some
people will misuse and take advantage of our choosing reconciliation and
community over vengeance and winning. My Middle Eastern mentor also knew this but
still consistently chose the path towards reconciliation and redemption; all
the way to the cross. In the same way let us put on the mind and Spirit of
Christ as we journey along life’s highway.
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